NadeshikoShow 1.0.0
NadeshikoShow expresses the proverb withKimono.Handed down from ancient times conduct Kimono tells"accomplishment, shame, femininity," for Japanese womentoday.And"proverb " gives us the wisdom Mika Shinohara appeared.She is the ninth top actress of Gessyokukageki.Production:G.COM LTD
Revelation of feral cats 1.1j
Revelation to open your fortune Chan stray catphotos and we will appear when you click one button tofortune-telling. You can click as many times as you return to thetitle screen, you can also enjoy our photos of her as a cute straycat. (100 photos)You can also share the "revelation of feral cats" in the mixi andTwitter, you can use it as a tool for making friends.● Adding a shared menu button. If you are using, the smallimages of revelation and prophecy photo will be inserted toTwitter.● We can see the list of additional search for "revelation offeral cats" in Twitter, the page "small room of theAnnunciation."You can share your revelation of feral cats.(C) G.COM LTD.
三崎・城ケ島 海の音 1.0.2
ステレオイヤホンで聞くバイノーラル録音の海の音。神奈川県の南端に位置する三崎港、城ケ島でバイノーラル収録した癒しサウンドアプリ。臨場感たっぷりのバイノーラル録音をリラックスしたいときにお使いください。【内容】・三崎港の岸壁の音・城ケ島から富士山に向かって収録した磯の音・夕日が沈む城ケ島の磯の音ボタンを押すと全ての音がループ再生され、長い間波の音が聴けます。【ご注意】バックライトの消灯時間を長くしてください。スリープモードにになると音声が停止します。【仕様】Android 2.2以上SDカードへ移動できます。ステレオイヤホン又はステレオヘッドフォンで聴いてください。(バイノーラルを楽しむ時)●サーフィン,ウインドサーフィン,ヨット,ビーチ,波,α波,1/f揺らぎ,想い出●制作・著作 株式会社ジー・コム (C)2011 G.COM LTD.Sound of the sea of​​binaural recording to listen in stereo earphones.Sound healing application that binaural recording Misaki Port, inJogashima located on the southern tip of Kanagawa Prefecture.Please use it when you want to relax a binaural recording of fullof a sense of reality.[Contents], Sound of quay of Misaki Port, Sound of Iso which recorded toward the Mount Fuji fromJogashima, Sound of iso Jogashima the sun setsEvery sound is looped playback by pressing the button, you hearthe sound of the waves for a long time.Please Increase the off time of [attention] backlight. When itcomes to the sleep modeSound stops.[Specifications]Android 2.2 or higherI can move to the SD card.Please listen with stereo headphones or stereo earphone. (When youenjoy the binaural)● The fluctuation surfing, windsurfing, sailing, beach, waves, αwave, 1 / f, memories● Production and copyright Co., Ltd. G-Com (C) 2011 G.COMLTD.
湘南Vol.2 海の音 1.0.0
【内容】ステレオイヤホンで聞くバイノーラル録音の“海の音”第三弾!“湘南Vol.2 海の音”波の1/fの揺らぎが、あなたをちょっとだけ癒してくれるかも。他の音楽プレーヤーで好きな音楽を同時に聞けば、さらに癒し効果が期待できるかもしれません(音楽プレーヤーによっては同時に聞くことが出来ない場合もあります。)。リラックスしたいときにお使いください。波の音は1~2分のループ音です。視聴画面は数枚の写真がランダムに現れます。音だけ聞きたい時には、シークバーで画面を暗くしてください。バッテリーの消費を抑えます。【内容】海の音・茅ヶ崎海岸・辻堂海岸・鵠沼海岸写真 9枚【仕様】Android 2.2以上SDカードへ移動可。ステレオイヤホン又はステレオヘッドフォンで聴いてください。(バイノーラルを楽しむ時)●キーワード湘南,サーフィン,ウインドサーフィン,ヨット,ビーチ,波,α波,1/f揺らぎ,想い出●制作・著作 G.COM LTD.[Contents]"Sound of the sea" of binaural recording to listen in stereoearphone third installment!"Sound of the sea Shonan Vol.2"Fluctuation of 1 / f of the waves, may heal a little bityou.If you heard at the same time your favorite music in the musicplayer of the other, (and you may not be able to hear at the sametime by the music player.) The effect might be expected to healfurther. Please use it when you want to relax.The sound of the waves is a sound loop of 1-2 minutes.Viewing screen will appear randomly several pictures.When you want to hear only the sound, please darken the screen inthe seek bar. I will reduce the consumption of the battery.[Contents]Sound of the sea· Chigasaki coast· Tsujido coast· Kugenumakaigan9 photos[Specifications]Android 2.2 or higherMovable to SD card.Please listen with stereo headphones or stereo earphone. (When youenjoy the binaural)● KeywordThe fluctuation Shonan, surfing, windsurfing, sailing, beach,waves, α wave, 1 / f, memories● Production and copyright G.COM LTD.
Sareee "Senninappli Ranking" 1.0.2
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